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Christmas Pizza

Recipe shared by Jacquelyn Evers, Executive Director


  • 1 cup water lukewarm
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 3/4 tsp active dry yeast
  • 2.5 cup all purpose flour The incomparable Janie's Mill All Purpose Flour is number one in this house!


  • In a mixing cup, combine 1 cup lukewarm water, 1 teaspoon olive oil, and 3/4 teaspoon active dry yeast.
  • Add 2.5 cups of all purpose flour to a large bowl or your stand mixer. Give that flour a sprinkle of salt and possibly add some dried basil if you're into that kind of thing. 
  • Add the water, oil, and yeast mixture to the flour. Knead this together with your hands until just combined or take the easy way out and use the "stir" setting of your stand mixer. Knead for 2-3 minutes. If your dough is VERY sticky, add a few more tablespoons of flour and keep kneading until it feels tacky, but not sticky. 
  • Let sit for 15 minutes.
  • Knead again for 2-3 minutes until the dough is smooth. 
  • Cover with a towel and put in a warm place to rest for 3-4 hours.
  • When your dough is ready, you can use your fingers or a rolling pin to stretch the dough into rounds or squares. We like a very thin crust pizza and this recipe will make 2 rounds that fit a standard pizza pan. 
  • Set your oven to 450-500 degrees, whatever feels best to you. 
  • If you're like us and love a super thin, crispy St. Louis pizza, then put your crust in your preheated oven for 4-5 minutes before the toppings. 
  • When it comes to toppings, you do you! Pepperoni and Imo's provel cheese, vegetable, trash pizza (cheese pizza + refrigerator leftovers), or whatever. The sky's the limit!


The pizza in the picture is our favorite mix of toppings: homemade pesto, sausage, artichoke hearts, and mozzarella. We love a Piemonte breakfast sausage and would even do some Prairie Fruits goat cheese on top instead of mozzarella.