Opportunities in Organics
Shifting markets… Changing consumer preferences… Increased input prices… Unpredictable weather… What’s next?
Every hurdle encountered offers an opportunity. Join us as we explore challenges and opportunities across the organic grain value chain.
Wednesday, February 8, 2023 | 12:00pm – 6:30pm
Day 1 of the conference will feature concurrent interactive, intensive workshops: Food Safety for Small Grain Producers/Processors, Organic Certification, and Grain Rotation. These workshops will be led by Dr Kim Koch of Northern Crops Institute, Mark Seeley of OnMark Certification and Nic Podoll of Rodale Institute, respectively. Workshops will run 1.5 hours and will each be offered twice during the day so folks can easily attend more than one without hopping between them. Snacks and beverages will be available throughout the day. Day 1 will close with a mixer which will take place at local brewer Riggs Brewery
- 12pm-Registration
- 1-2:30pm-3 Intensive Workshops: Food Safety for Small Grain Producers/Processors, Organic Certification & Grain Rotation
- 2:30-3pm-Coffee and Networking
- 3-4:30pm-Intensive Workshops
- 4:30-6:30pm-Mixer at Rigg’s Brewery featuring La Paloma Food Truck
Thursday, February 9, 2023 | 8:00am – 5:00pm
Day 2 of the conference will feature presentation sessions, a roundtable discussion about the Farm Bill, a keynote address, and a full day trade show. Day 2 will include a light breakfast, full lunch, and refreshments throughout the day. Opening plenary will be given by Nathan Aaberg, program director of Illinois FarmLink. Topics include: Alley Cropping: Trees & Grains for Soil Health, Water Quality, Wildlife, and Profit; Introduction to Ancient Grains; Organic Corn & Soybean Outlook; STAR and Sustainability: How Organic Farmers Can Efficiently Evaluate Their Field Practices; Midwestern Hemp Database: Using Data to Select Compliant Hemp Cultivars and more!
- 8am-Registration/Refreshments/Trade Show
- 9am-Opening Plenary
- 9:45am-Break/Refreshments/Trade Show
- 10:15am-Presentation Sessions
- 11am-Break/Refreshments/Trade Show
- 11:30am-Presentation Sessions
- 12:15-Lunch/Trade Show
- 1:30pm-Keynote
- 2:30pm-Break/Refreshments/Trade Show
- 3pm-Presentation Sessions
- 3:45pm-Break/Refreshments/Trade Show
- 4:15pm-Presentation Sessions
- 5pm-Adjourn

Keynote Speaker: DAMON DESUTTER Attica, IN
Damon co-owns Hoosier Grassfed Beef with his brothers, where they manage 350 head of cattle with the goal of building healthy and productive soils through ruminant grazing. He also assists in managing day-to-day operations at DeSutter Farms, a family farm growing approximately 3,500 acres of row crops and alfalfa. Damon hopes to shift his farm toward the consumer side with a focus on growing food for people regeneratively, and using their cattle to help reduce the need for tillage across his landscape. Damon grew up watching his father and grandfather farm with soil health as their guiding principle, and incorporates that inspiration into his own work. His goal is to rebuild soils and sequester carbon on his land through his farming practices, using farming to be a productive force in environmental progress. He is dedicated to the well-being of young people in his small-town community, and sees farming for the future as part of that mission.
SARE Farmers Forum
The North Central Region-Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (NCR-SARE) Farmers Forum is a traveling event giving farmers, ranchers, researchers, and others the chance to share information about sustainable agriculture practices with a national audience. These presentations focus on research, demonstration, and education projects that promote profitable practices that are good for the environment and community. The projects highlighted in these presentations and the Farmers Forum are funded by grants from NCR-SARE, a USDA funded program that supports and promotes sustainable farming and ranching by offering competitive grants and educational opportunities. For more information about NCR-SARE, see: www.northcentral.sare.org or contact NCR-SARE by email: ncrsare@umn.edu, or phone 612-626-3113.
Conference Location
All conference activities will take place at the iHotel, located at 1900 South 1st, St, Champaign, IL 61802.
Online registration is now closed.
On-site registration is available and opens at noon on Wednesday (2/8) and at 8am on Thursday (2/9).
If you are no longer able to attend the conference and need to cancel your registration, please contact us at 217-840-2128.
- Cancellations received by January 24th will receive a full refund minus a $5 processing fee
- Cancellations received after January 24th will receive a 50% refund
- Cancellations received after January 31st will not be refunded.
Masks and hand sanitizer will be available for your use.
While participating in events held by The Land Connection, consistent with CDC guidelines, participants are encouraged to practice hand hygiene, “social distancing,” and wear face coverings to reduce the risks of exposure to COVID-19 or other illness. By submitting your registration, you acknowledge and understand that participation includes possible exposure to illness from infectious diseases. You release, waive, and forever discharge any and all liability, claims, and demands against The Land Connection and its affiliated partners, sponsors, employees, agents, and directors from exposure to illness from infectious diseases and any and all bodily injury, illness, death, or medical treatment that may arise from your participation with this event.
2024 Organic Grain Conference & Trade Show is scheduled for February 7-8, 2024 at the i-Hotel in Champaign, IL.
Thanks to Our Sponsors
Soil Builder Sponsors

Harvester Sponsors

Cultivator Sponsors