Join us and see firsthand how Doug Hanson and his family have successfully integrated crops and livestock! Hanson Land and Cattle is a forage-focused operation that utilizes highly productive prairie soils and extensive annual and perennial forage sequence along with beef genetics selected to thrive in a forage-based beef program. We will start the morning […]
2024 Midwest Mechanical Weed Control Field Day
Purdue University’s MEIGS Horticultural Research Farm in Lafeyette, Indiana will be the host site for the 2024 Midwest Mechanical Weed Control Field Day (MMWCFD). MMWCFD connects farmers, machinery manufacturers, and the allied trades for a single day event that draws farmers from all over the Midwest.
Planning for Agritourism in Illinois
The Land Connection along with the Illinois Farm Bureau invites you to join us at Curtis Orchard in Champaign to explore what planning for agritourism in Illinois looks like, where it could grow and what you need to know to get there.
Finding the Right Farm: Land Access 101
Looking to take the next step for your farmland dreams? This free introduction to farmland access will introduce you to the basics of finding and securing a land arrangement that makes sense for you. In this webinar, you’ll learn how to evaluate your farmland needs, be efficient in your search, and assess land opportunities.
Farm Dreams Workshop Series [ONLINE]
The online Farm Dreams workshop series will be held over three consecutive Mondays in October (17, 24 and 31) from 6-8 pm. Each session will include exercises and guided discussion to help aspiring farmers assess their skills and resources, and provide direction for next steps in building a farm business.
Perennial Soil Health Field Day
Join Savanna Institute, NRCS, and The Land Connection for a perennial soil health field day at Zumwalt Acres on July 19, 2023.