Submitted by Birgit McCall on Thu, 11/17/2016 – 6:44pm I’d like to welcome all returning (and new prospective) pyromaniacs to the 2nd installment of my blog on how to heat your home with wood. Now that we have kindling out of the way, the next item we need to talk about is firewood. Having a […]
It’s time to “cover-up” for winter
Submitted by Mallory Krieger on Mon, 10/31/2016 – 8:16am When I left the house this morning, I exhaled in the last rays of moonlight and gazed as the mist of my breath dissipated in the gentle breeze. I was cold and grateful. I was grateful that I had everything I need to survive the morning […]
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!
Submitted by Jacquelyn Evers on Tue, 02/26/2019 – 1:56pm It’s getting to be that time of the year again… the time when we stop dreaming about the exciting vegetables we plan to grow in our garden and actually start planting seeds. If you are like me and don’t have access to land to plant your […]
The Real Holiday Season
Submitted by Magdalena Caspe… on Thu, 02/12/2015 – 10:04am We all think of the “Holidays” as starting off with Thanksgiving (or, more distressingly, Halloween), and wrapping up with New Year’s Day. But February is real holiday season, and right when we NEED those random days off. Kicking off with Martin Luther King Jr. Day, on […]
The Warmness of March
Submitted by Stephanie Fenty on Mon, 03/02/2015 – 10:55am Welp. It’s still cold. Really, really, cold. Face burningly, car door crunchingly, joint painingly cold. And it was a long time coming. I mean, overall it has been a relatively mild winter. Not too much snow and a surprising amount of 30-40 degree days. That’s not […]
What do farmers do in the winter?
Submitted Sun, 02/24/2019 – 8:17pm This week’s blog entry is from a guest writer. If you are interested in your article or blog entry being featured on the TLC blog, contact By: Traci Barkley, Sola Gratia CSA Many times over, we hear the question- “What do you/farmers do in the winter?” The short version […]