Grow Your Farm Business
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1: Planning Your Local Food Business
1) Planning Your Local Food Business (Video and PowerPoint Slides)
2) Questions to Consider
3) Introduction to Cottage Food & Value Added Goods (Video)
4) What is Local? (Video)
5) Post Class Work: Business Plan Template & Questions
5 lessons
2: Your Product and it's Market
1) Your Product and its Market (Video and PowerPoint Slides)
2) Product Development (Worksheet)
3) Case Study (Video)
4) Post Class Work: Follow-up Survey
4 lessons
3: Operation and Risk Management
1) Operations and Risk Management (Video and PowerPoint Slides)
2) Managing Risk (Video)
3) Cottage Food Resources
4) Illinois Cottage Food Law
5) Food Safety Issues (Podcast)
6) Add Value Not Liability (Video)
7) Add Value Not Liability (Quiz)
8) Post Class Assessment
8 lessons, 1 quiz
4: Developing a Marketing Strategy
1) Managing Your Finances (Video & PowerPoint Slides)
2) Crafting a Marketing Strategy (Video)
3) Branding Self Audit (Questionnaire)
4) Brand Your Business (Video)
5) Brand Audit Checklist (pdf)
6) Create Content that Attracts your Target Customer (Video)
7) Social Media Content Checklist (pdf)
8) What Social Media Platform Should I Be On? (Video)
9) Digital Existence Checklist (pdf)
9 lessons
5: Developing a Direct-to-Consumer Plan
1) Pre-assessment (google form)
2) Developing a Direct-to-Consumer Plan (Video)
3) Selling Your Product (Video)
4) Methods of Sale Handout (pdf)
4 lessons
4: Developing a Marketing Strategy
8) What Social Media Platform Should I Be On? (Video)
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